Welcome to the OggBox Project
Last Updated: 22 Sep 2012 22:07 (BST)

The OggBox project is an attempt to create a pocket sized open hardware and software portable music player with a decent array of useful features but the minimum of fuss.
The guiding principal is to make everything as open as possible with the use of free and open source tools and software and public code and schematics. The aim functionally is to be able to play open standard audio files and eventually to record them as well, primarily the Ogg Vorbis codec is supported.
What this project is
- Free to use with the request that you make any modifications you make public and free to use as well.
- A bit of fun for the original creator and anyone interested in memory and computationally limited systems.
- A basic design for a hand held music playing device along the lines of the original iPod and early iRiver devices
What this project is NOT
- A commercial product or commercially sponsored project.
- An all-singing all-dancing multimedia device, it only has 20kB of RAM and a black and white screen.
- A finished project.
Get some of the action
The source code is all available on my GitHub account, browse, git clone, or download the tar archive from there.
Documentation about the project is in the Wiki, this is the most comprehensive set of notes on the project anywhere. Hopefully it will contain everything from hardware info to operating instructions for the "finished" device.
The project was presented at OggCamp this year, see above for a video of the talk and the slides.
If you want to follow the project hop over to the forum and subscribe to the General/Announcement thread. You can subscribe with an RSS reader or sign up and get emails. The thread is closed so only I can post so you don't need to worry about being spammed by anyone posting questions.